Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Precious

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

You can get them at Marx & Spencers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yes, that was me

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Learning Japanese


While I might still be in sunny Ohio, I'm thinking about the steps I need to take to effectively learn the language that is Japanese. I hear it is difficult, or something.

10 things I have learnt so far:
  • there are three systems of writing (hiragana, katakana, and kanji)
  • Japanese pronunciation is pretty straighforward, like Spanish
  • there are 46 hiragana characters and 46 equivalent katakana characters
  • hirigana is used to write "particles" (grammatical artifacts) and some words
  • katakana is used to represent loan words (from English and other languages)
  • kanji are the building blocks of the written language -- complex characters that convey an idea/concept (they are used for most place names, nouns, adjectives, and verb stems)
  • there are 1945 kanji in general usage (Joyo kanji), as specified by the Japanese government. you can't read modern Japanese without knowing 95% of these.
  • there is no such thing as gender or number when it comes to nouns
  • my name in katakana is デバシッシュ・バックシ, which is de-ba-shi-sshu・ba-kku-shi
  • 1-10: ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju

-- デバシッシュ・バックシ


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The prolific Robert Zimmerman...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My accent, "the lowest common denomenator"

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The West

Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

The Midland
North Central
The Northeast
The South
The Inland North
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz